These are risk assessments carried out by different players in the industry. Included is the 2014 environmental impact assessment used by Anadarko, Total and Eni, written by consultancies Impacto and Environmental Resources Management (ERM). Many agreements and financing contracts in the industry, in concessions Area 1 and Area 4, have been based on this outdated assessment, with a few additions and amendments along the way.
- Mozambique LNG: Environmental Impact Assessment Chapter 1
- Standard Bank – Rovuma LNG Project: Macroeconomic Study
- Mozambique LNG: Environmental Impact Assessment Volume I
- Rovuma LNG Environmental and Social Management Plan
- Rovuma LNG Environmental Impact Assessment
- Coral LNG – Impact Assessment and Mitigation – Final Report Volume II
- Wood Mackenzie – Mozambique LNG Carbon Emissions Benchmarking
- Mozambique LNG ( intro | see more)
- Coral South LNG
- Rovuma LNG (see full EIA)
- Mozambique LNG (Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessment – Updated)