Here are a selection of reports written by partners in the Say No to Gas! Campaign, and others we believe provide intensive and honest information and analysis of the gas industry in Mozambique. Some give testimonies of affected communities, others detangle the complex economic and financial web the industry has created.
Paid for Approval
Paid for Approval: How consulting firms and investment service providers enable human rights violations and climate injustice: the case of gas in Mozambique This report looks critically at the systemic issues raised by service providers that are being tasked with...
Acceptable Risk?
Acceptable Risk? How the security threat in Cabo Delgado was ignored for the benefit of ‘The Netherlands Ltd. The Dutch government threatens to blunder again by providing export support for TotalEnergies' controversial gas project in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique. This...
Anything but Natural
Anything But Natural: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Expansion Threats to Coastal and Marine Ecosystems New maps and analysis from research organization Earth Insight and partners paint a sobering picture of current plans to expand Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)...
South African Public Financing of the Mozambique Liquid Natural Gas Project
The report discusses the role of South African development finance institutions in supporting a project that has already seen grave negative social and environmental impacts and which is not likely to deliver strong economic benefits to Mozambique. Overy &...
Billion-dollar exposure: Investor-state dispute settlement in Mozambique’s fossil fuel sector
Published by Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, February 2024 Salvatore and Gubeissi, ‘Billion-dollar exposure: Investor-state dispute settlement in Mozambique's fossil fuel sector’, January 2024, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment Please access the...
Total Turmoil
Total Turmoil: Unveiling South Korea's Stake in Mozambique's Climate and Humanitarian Crisis Published by Solutions For Our Climate (SFOC), January 2024. The report identifies the participation of South Korean corporations in Mozambique’s liquified natural gas (LNG)...
Navigating Decisions: The risks to Mozambique from liquified natural gas export projects
Published by International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), December 2023 Halsey et al, ‘Navigating Decisions: The risks to Mozambique from liquefied natural gas export projects’, December 2023, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)...
Assessment of Mozambique LNG’s Human Rights Due Diligence: Report by Uprights
The lawyers at Uprights wrote this report for JA! and partners which does an analysis of TotalEnergies’ Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) of the Mozambique LNG Project in Cabo Delgado. The HRDD, done by LKL Consulting in 2020, warned TotalEnergies that the violent...
The Treaty Trap – gas companies
The treaty trap: tax avoidance in Mozambique’s extractive industries; the gas companies Published by Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) and The Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD), 21 July 2024 van Teeffelen & Kiezebrink, 2023, "The...
Humanizing Security in Cabo Delgado: Report by the Investigative Journalism Centre, Mozambique
In February 2021, civil society organisations in Mozambique and South Africa with international allies, established a coalition focusing on the Cabo Delgado crisis. It aimed to spotlight the violence in Cabo Delgado and push for accountability and improve the living...
Fuelling the Crisis: Report by JA!, Friends of the Earth Europe, Friends of the Earth France and others
New report exposes how public money is used to fund destructive gas projects in northern Mozambique Friends of the Earth groups and friends from Mozambique, France, Italy, the UK, the US, Netherlands and Italy have written this report detailing the way in which...
What I saw is death: Report by Amnesty International
War crimes in Mozambique's forgotten cape Cabo Delgado is the poorest province in Mozambique and has experienced decades of under-investment, government negligence and severe poverty. It has been further devastated by the gas industry which began appearing in 2017, at...
Banking on Climate chaos: Report by Banktrack
This report analyses fossil fuel financing from the world’s 60 largest commercial and investment banks and finds that these banks poured a total of $3.8 trillion into fossil fuels from 2016–2020. Fossil fuel financing dropped 9% last year, parallel to the global drop...
Burning the gas bridge fuel myth: Report by Oil Change international
This report analyses the narrative that fossil gas is a “bridge fuel”. And shows how this is not true. It shows that even with zero methane leakage, gas is not a climate change solution. To meet climate goals, fossil gas production and consumption must, like that of...
Extractive industry concessions in Mozambique – Report by Centro de Integridade Publica (CIP)
Mining Concession requests increase as armed conflict in Cabo Delgado intensifies As the scandal known as Panama Papers, showed in 2016, concealing the identity of the people who actually benefit from the exploitation of natural resources carries high risks of...
Five years lost: Report by Urgewald
This report details 12 alarming cases showing how governments and coal, oil and gas companies are planning massive increases in the amount of hydrocarbons dug out and sucked from the ground. There is no hope for staying under 1.5° if this explosion of fossil fuel...
De L’Eldorado Gazier au Chaos – Report by Les Amis de la Terre
France thrusts Mozambique into the fossil fuel trap Between 2010 and 2013, huge gas deposits were discovered in Mozambique. Around 5 trillion cubic meters were found, making this the 9th largest gas reserve in the world. Over the coming years, a projected minimum of...
IMF in Moz and Mongolia: Report by Recourse
The IMF is exacerbating the climate crisis with more tax breaks for coal and gas. This paper provides a summary of a review of IMF loan operations in Mozambique and Mongolia. The review aimed to identify climate change related economic policies and specific structural...
New Fossil gas terminals: Report by Lingo and Gastivists
Fossil gas is a dangerous fuel which destroys the climate and the environment wherever it gets extracted and used. This report summarizes some of the harms created by the fossil gas industry and looks at who actually pays the price for new fossil gas and fossil gas...
Too late to count: a financial analysis of Mozambique’s gas sector – Report by OpenOil
In 2010 and after four years of exploration, United States company Anadarko made a major gas discovery in the Rovuma Basin, in Mozambique, fuelling the dreams of economic transformation and growth for the east African nation. However, the development of the fields was...
World bank development policy: Report by JA! And Recourse
This report asks the question: is the World Bank providing the Right Incentives for Low-Carbon Development in Mozambique? The climate crisis and climate goals require both the promotion of renewable energy and the significant reduction in fossil fuel usage. Given...
World Heritage forever: Report by Friends of the Earth US
How Banks Can Protect the World's Most Iconic Cultural and Natural Sites Eighty five percent of wetlands have disappeared, and critical tropical forests continue to burn . Humanity is pushing against the planet’s boundaries. But there are fewer and fewer places left...
Release of Report: “Gas in Mozambique: A windfall for the industry, a curse for the country”
Friends of the Earth France/Les Amis de la Terre, JA! 17 June 2020 JA!, Friends of the Earth France and Friends of the Earth International have released a report which exposes deep French involvement in the gas industry in Mozambique. With this report, JA!, Friends of...
REPORT: Locked out of a just transition
Fossil fuel financing in Africa New research published Milieudefensie, BankTrack, Oil Change International and 19 African partners reveals the billions of dollars in finance, the majority from European, Asian and North American financial institutions, that are putting...