About fifty financial institutions around the world may decide to financially support the construction of a new gas extraction and liquefaction platform off the coast of Mozambique, called Coral North Floating LNG. Strong doubts about the benefits for Maputo, while...
Press Release from Recommon 24 January 2025 ReCommon: «it is very serious that the two public financial institutions do not get out of the TotalEnergies project, over which the heavy shadow of war crimes hovers» ReCommon considers it very serious that SACE and Cassa...
Press release from: Justiça Ambiental! / Friends of the Earth Mozambique; Les Amis de la Terre France / Friends of the Earth France; Reclaim Finance; BankTrack; Urgewald; Friends of the Earth Japan; ReCommon; Milieudefensie / Friends of the Earth Netherlands; Friends...
A terra é dos moçambicanos, não é da França” Two week long PROTEST CONTINUES against TotalEnergies and its Mozambique LNG gas project for RESETTLEMENT VIOLATIONS IN Afungi Communities, Palma District, Cabo Delgado, Mozambique 15 November 2024, 12H00 CAT Justiça...
Activists across the globe call on banks and investors to stop financing TotalEnergies On Wednesday 2nd October, climate activists are protesting in New York, where TotalEnergies is hosting its main investors. Actions are also taking place this week at the...
This page provides summaries and excerpts from media articles, reports, statements and general information related to gas projects in Mozambique. 30 September 2024 / Reclaim Finance TotalEnergies and financial markets: Financial institutions engaged for decades...